- Name: Thomas (Tom) Arnold
- Location: East Coast, USA
- Phone: +1 (202) 656-2584
- Email:
In the fifteen years since my first part-time job, I have been afforded the opportunity to engage with the world around me through diverse and divergent experiences. From the deli counter at a grocery store to Project Director at a premier political polling firm, each and every experience has informed who I am in my personal and professional life.
My most recent iterations as the General Manager of a bar in Washington, D.C., a freelance coder in Berlin, and a Data Scientist specializing in research data at the Uniformed Services University, have codified certain core values and elevated others. I have an innate need to study and understand the world around me. Not understanding the machinery behind an action, from computers to regulatory environments, is not acceptable to me. Learning how to listen, relate, and react to people and their stories is not an abstract value, but a core part of my character.
I also feel the need to tell a complete story. For me, this means that I strive to understand failure points where objectivity breaks down, where subjectivity goes unrecognized, and where much-needed empathy is absent. In practice, it means evaluating with varying parts qualitative and quantitative information – the ratio between the two being the essential human inquest.
But, my most closely held belief is that none of the above matters unless it contributes to the community in a positive way. No matter what the next chapters of my professional life entail, it must be in the service of a good cause (large or small), and it must be with teammates who feel the same.
All Photographs & Web Design © 2022, Tom Arnold